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The first quote you opened this writing with is so perfectly fitting, for you do a great job of weaving story with magic and leave the reader in a deeper sense of appreciation for both. You give us a glimpse into the thought wandering of a true mythic mystic.

I read this newsletter a few days ago and it has been weaving its way through the forest of my mind, winding, morphing, tying little bows on some laces undone. The thought that keep taking shape is that Humans are made of stories perhaps even deeper we are made for stories. We need them to tie us to our world and experience, and they need us to give them breath and form.

We act out what we don't understand and then we tell people about it and the story gets to ripple forth and change shape and become more complex even while often times it grows shorter and more concise. When a story gets passed down long enough and is important enough to keep retelling it grows into myth.

We need myth, every culture that we know about has myths. It seems like an evolutionary necessary human adaptation, and one that should not be messed with, for we have no real understanding just how important deep stories are.

I often ponder how would any culture survive without myth? We are seeing it start to play out now and it isn't pretty. But one thing that has me feeling hopeful is how many outspoken atheists are starting to also speak about how myth and religion might be necessary for survival.

So like you and many others, I want to call back in the stories, and especially the myths. We need the stories that evoke wonder and are loaded with meaning. We need stories that remind us that we are all intrinsically linked.

We need stories, and they need us.

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